The far-left Democrat Party, in choosing Barack Obama to represent their party, knew full well of Obama's radical background and all the connections he had made in his life with Communists and socialists.
Germany in the late 1920s was enjoying added jobs with Germans having money in their pockets. But Hitler had already tried to push his Nazi Party on Germany while waiting for the current government to fail. And with the crash of 1929, Hitler got his wish.
But in a disturbing move, 65 years after Hitler's cleansing of the Jews from Germany, some of America's secular Jews, through their active memberships in the ACLU, demand discrimination against American Christian values that have been the centerpiece of American culture for over 200 years.
A few of those attacks were evident in Part 4, showing--who would have guessed--in America a court would rule that a high school student couldn't play Ave Maria in a concert because of the separation of church and state? Or that a high school coach would be fired for simply bowing his head in respect while his players were kneeling in prayer? Or a court would rule a high school graduate would not have the free speech to praise her God for giving her the inspiration to succeed?
And it was the ACLU within a Florida school system that fought hard to put Christians in jail for simply praying at an evening meal in a school building.
Then we see this Fascism continue against people of faith as a superintendent of schools in Somerville, Massachusetts, allows a sole elementary school principal to cancel Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day as offensive. And families are stuck with paying her salary.
The principal, according to the school's staff Web site, has a degree in Master of Science in Library Science, (MSLS.) Will the principal (name withheld) continue her Fascism and discourage or remove library books students are allowed to read on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day that don't agree with her personal progressive bully ideology?
And in the heartland of America, Tennessee's Vanderbilt University's progressive liberal administration has ruled Christian clubs can't be on campus unless they allow any individual into their organization, even if that individual goes against the organization's beliefs.
Political science and law professor, Carol Swain, faculty advisor for Vanderbilt's Christian Legal Society, responded. "I think that the policy is totally irrational in that it's geared towards suppressing religious groups, especially evangelical Christians."
Now Vanderbilt has gone one step further and will allow the inclusion of pagan holidays on the school's list of religious "holy" days. A school spokesperson says that Vanderbilt's administration wants its faculty to be aware of the pagan holidays, too, so that they can teach sensitivity to student needs.
We have to assume this sensitivity to Pagan rights includes animal sacrifice or other living sacrifices, going back to the original Pagan rights of Aztec Rituals.
Vanderbilt, a private university in Tennessee, proves what happens when good people remain silent, such as the Vanderbilt Alumni organization and many of its donors.
"Good people are no longer considered good when their answer of silence is heard around the world." - Webmaster
This module on Fascism coming to America continues to warn what has already come and what could be coming if this country's grass roots doesn't return to the values given by our forefathers, Americans who put their very lives on the line to bring about one of the most successful Republics in human history.
Now with progressive liberals trying to run the country through the election of Barack Obama, who they refer to as The One, what will happen to our freedoms and our rights in the next five years?
Too many younger Americans have been taught to be insensitive to what is happening around them, not unlike Germany in the early 1930s as seen in the "The Rise." If you open your front door today, it would look like a free Germany with jobs and personal income rising in the late 1920s. They had no idea that in 16 years their country would lie in ruin, most buildings in many cities not having one brick remaining upon the other.
We are in a climate where Lech Walesa, the Polish Freedom Fighter, warned in early 2010 that America was no longer the moral leader of the world while a far left liberal columnist for the New York Times said about the newspaper not reporting the truth on Sarah Palin, "It ain' t news until we say it is." The arrogance can only be called stunning.