The Shepp Report

Special Edition

Biden's Cabinet: Fundamental Transformation Of The U.S.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

January 13, 2020




In Two Years You May Not Be Able To Recognize America

When inaugurated as president, Biden's potential cabinet will look like packages lined up perfectly by color, size and shape on a grocery store shelf. He calls it diversity when it really is destructive identity politics that purposely divides people into groups and destroys the idea of America as "One Nation."

Biden is reported to be adding billionaires to his cabinet such as AirBnB CEO, AirBnB's antiracism statement reading like a contract on steroids for social justice.

The Annenbergs were the first to receive millions of dollars in grants from the Carnegie Foundation that then went for teaching social justice to public school children under the name of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) over 25 years ago. They hired attorney Barack Obama to pass out the funds and Bill Ayers to write the curriculum, not forgetting it was candidate Obama who said he had never met Bill Ayers. You're not surprised, are you?

This is the same foundation that later gave out awards to globalists that included Ted Turner (CNN), Gates Senior (planned parenthood and vaccines) and George Soros (Open Society) only three months after 9/11. Attending those awards 19 years ago was (surprise) Dr. Fauci, of lockdown fame in 2020. Interesting how the puzzle pieces suddenly come together to show you the hidden deception that was going on around you for decades.

How times fly when your intent is to fundamentally transform a society. You just keep working and then "poof" one day it's gone, replaced by your own system of government. That idea is not new, pushed by Cloward & Piven back in the 1980's, Communist professors at New York City's Columbia University and then Karl Marx decades earlier.

Still think, as I write this today, it is an accident that billionaire Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci are purposely frightening populations about the CCP virus going well into 2022? Fauci has said you might have to still wear a mask after the vaccines are distributed while Gates says airline travel may never come back, at least in the next few years. It's like two cowboys driving a herd of 340 million cattle, cattle as you know just dumb, in this case also wearing COVID masks on demand.

You are being duped, just like Americans were being duped over social justice by Obama and Ayers. Nothing is an accident in this world where a digital globalist social media censors anything that gets in the way of the UN Agenda 2030. That agenda will force climate change restrictions on the world's populations. Those restrictions will tell populations what they can eat, what they can grow and what they can buy among other things.

Of course the mainstream media NEVER reported any or this about Obama and Ayers or Biden's ideas for his cabinet when he was running for office. It might have caused him to lose votes in the November election like with "defunding the police."

The media didn't report it because of an anti-free speech organization that was sweeping through news rooms across America, which started in the late 1970's. It was called the American Society of Newspaper Editors ( ASNE.) Today it has moved on into the electronic media with a new name that comes from the heart of a collective pushed by progressives from "sea to shining sea."

This is all a misuse of freedom by the media, the press using freedom of speech to destroy freedom of speech, like CNN has done owned by AT&T and MSNBC owned by Comcast. And how's that dream for "family" entertainment working out from the late Walt Disney, Disney Corp owning ABC with the "View" and ESPN loving those millionaires kneeling on our flag? For Disney it was like the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" or in other words Walt never was born.

Our founders would have called this "Sedition" and then put an end to it.

Where was the FCC? Same question for the FBI? Same for the CIA and the DOJ. Oh, anyone seen Durham? Barr used Hannity for two years to lie to Hannity's millions of viewers to pretend that "pit bull" Durham would get to the criminals who tried to take a president down. Just wait until you see his final report, Barr bragged.

Barr reported that Durham was a detail man, first getting all the facts then releasing a dynamite report. But in the end the fuse was never lit. Instead Durham turned out to be just a photo on the television screen.

Comey obviously knew he was well protected and that Barr and Durham were not going to touch him. In other words, Comey was arrogant because he knew the fix was in all along. Durham and the FBI were supposed to root out corruption in the federal government. So how did that work out? Comey's job was to get rid of Trump using America's security agencies. And that is what he has done.

FBI claims to have "lost" 5 months of text messages; Michael P. Ramirez suggests rebranding it the FIB. - Michael Ramirez

Graphic Source: Ramirez

It looks like even the FISA court was in on it, few FISA judges ever releasing a statement about it. And you the American public? Like I have said, think of yourselves as if COVID mask-wearing cattle going to a market.

Biden is reported to be also looking to add Patrick Gaspark as his labor secretary. Gaspark worked for George Soros and his Open Society in South Africa. He had backed the African National Congress (ANC) in its dealing with so-called land management when Gaspark was an Ambassador for the U.S.

If you want to know about the devastating human results of that program, scroll down to the information below the video. The British conservative, Katie Hopkins, gives an hour report.

While the left in England makes fun of Hopkins over her politics, she was the ONLY one who took time to go to South Africa to interview officials along with those farmers whose families were tortured or themselves burned and stabbed by roaming gangs. These same gangs believed they had permission to kill under the new land management declaration.

Officials will say it was just over stealing stuff, but that's just the government's cover up for the crimes they seemed to want to happen. Hopkins took time to do this while the alphabet network's leftist hosts making the fat checks and attending cocktail parties worked comfortably in their ivory white towers in New York City.

It is reported Gaspark openly approved of the ANC's taking land from white farmers that had been working those farms with other blacks going back generations. As mentioned, the ANC decision ignored violent blacks who roamed the land to murder white farmers and torture their family members.

According to sources, anyone who disagreed with Gaspark's on the ANC's concept of land management was considered a racist . . . right out of Barack Obama's community organizing play book with a promise in 2008 to "fundamentally transform" the United States. With the 2020 election and wins in Georgia, that objective is about to be fulfilled.

Gaspark recently resigned from Soros Open Society, reported doing it so he could be considered for Biden's team. Gaspark is also reported to be close to the politics of New York City's Mayor DeBlasio, who has been fundamentally transforming New York City.

If you want to see a report on the killing and torture of white farmers Gaspark ignored while in South Africa, again please check out the disturbing article just below Tucker Carlson' report. The interviews of local white farmers is simply stunning, treated like Jews when they were living in the Third Reich. - Webmaster

Click On photo to watch video on Biden's view of diversity

Biden's proposed cabinet may finally realiize Obama's 2008 promise to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America . . . .Period! - Webmaster

Billionaires will be well represented in would-be President-elect Biden's cabinet, Biden boasting his will be the 'most diverse cabinet in history, diversity defined as skin color and sex. - TuckerCarlson / FOXNews

Video / Graphic Source: TuckerCarlson / FOXNews




The End Of Whites In South Africa


You Can Scroll Down To Watch Video

All Photo Sources: Frontpage


"White South Africans Will Be Resilient To The End. Their Only Regret Is The Speed With Which It Now Comes." - Frontpage


Article by Katie Hopkins, July 9, FrontPage Magazine


"'It’s been a rough month,' says Jess.

Coming from a one-man mountain with more shrapnel scars than most, things must be looking bleak in South Africa.

And it’s worse than any of us can imagine. Eighty-four farm attacks since lockdown began, twelve white farmers slaughtered from their land. The footage of the aftermath of one of the attacks circulating on Telegram and sent to me — too brutal to share. Only monsters could do such things to the elderly in their own homes.

As many of us celebrated the 4th of July this weekend, there were three murders in two days, one of them so unspeakably cruel that even those hardened to the news of torture of farmers by black gangs have found themselves white-knuckled at the speed of the horror.

When these massive men like Jess feel it, we need to stop and listen. They are the first people I would run to if I needed protecting: strong, sturdy, unflinching. These strong South Africans are part of the land, they have it coursing throughout their blood just as the sunshine and water spills through the crops and trees on their soil.

Hearing the horrible news I want to grab my little daysack — sitting ready with my passport and power plugs — pull on my boots and go. I am desperate to head back to their country, somehow leap into the struggle and to help the murdered be heard.

For now I share their pictures with you, hopelessly trying to reanimate them as individuals, instead of more bodies on a pile.

This is Wynand Breedt. He was a well-loved Afrikaans singer. He was ambushed and shot dead outside his farm on Friday. Nothing was stolen; there was no motive for the attack apart from the color of his skin. He was 46.

This smiling gentleman is Julian Stobbs.

He was a Brit, a Royal Navy man and veteran of the Falklands War.

A black gang raided at his home as he slept alongside his partner on Friday 3 July.

They stole everything in the house and fled, only to return briefly to shoot and kill him. Julian was 59.


In Kwa-Zuklu Natal, Zakiyya Ahmedjan Ismail was brutally killed in her home.

She was four months pregnant and a mother of two. Three armed men gained entry through the kitchen door and demanded cash.

The father tried to protect his family, but was beaten off. They were strangling his daughter, aged 8 and kicked the 4-year-old.

The attackers dragged the pregnant mother into the bathroom and slit her throat. She was 26 years old.

The hatred of 'others' in South Africa means Indian families are a target too.


Ian Cameron (author of this tweet) heads up Afriforum ’s Community Safety team, endlessly on the road in his vehicle calmly providing his physical presence at flareups between those seeking violence and white farmers defending their land. We spent time together when I was in South Africa making my documentary Plaasmoorde, the Killing Fields (See video below.)

He is another one of the big strong men who have been ankle deep in the blood and gore of this slaughter for years, but can still smell a change in the air — a sense that things are speeding up, and deteriorating faster than before.

Ian sent me his tweet hoping I could help share the information, near desperation borne out of the real sense that no one is listening, no one is seeing what is happening to white South Africans, now down to 4% and close to extinction.

In country, it is almost unbelievable that no one seems to care.

[Americans are quickly learning this lesson, too, Democrat Party leaders having the same mind set to insure their takeover of the country by violence continues until the objective is complete and citizens are frightened for their lives to pull the correct lever on election day or fill out as many mail-in ballots as possible.]

Even docile opposition parties have been forced into public statements on the slaughter. Chris Pappas, a Democratic Alliance spokesperson for agriculture in KZN, could not ignore the brutality of the murder of the pregnant mum on his patch and says he is pleading with Cyril Ramaphosa to 'break his silence' on farm murders and have them reclassified as 'hate crimes.'

'We are shocked and appalled by the murder that took place in Weenen, KZN – especially due to the loss of an unborn child. There are now two fundamental issues South Africans must deal with:

Why does the president stay silent on these incidents? And why are farm murders not classed as hate crimes?' Of course, these are empty words.

Politicians already know the answer to the President's silence.

By making Land Expropriation without compensation part of the ANC agenda, Cyril Ramoposa has created a culture of permissiveness in which attacks on whites are legitimized. The brute squad — the Economic Freedom Fighters —  are right there, like hyenas rasping at the ankles of the whites, hungry to claim a scalp.

Their red-beret mob chanting 'Kill the Boer, kill the whites' is a rallying cry for their supporters for whom the killing of whites is an approved and profitable sport.

Apartheid never went away. It just changed color.

The big question I see being asked by people like your good selves is, 'Why do the white farmers stay? Why don’t they just leave?' And it was my question too before I walked these farms, and sat with the farming men and women — looking out over their land.

The reason is staring you in the face. The answer IS the land.

Many watched their grandfathers turn it from rough bushveld into fertile acres where for the fortunate, bananas, macadamias and avocados will grow. Even on struggling farms, many white farmers work alongside the same families of black farm workers their grandfathers employed two generations before.

For most, the land is all they have. Many are incredibly poor; they have no savings or assets with which to start again. Everything they own or earn is in front of them, rooted in the soil they would leave behind, along with their hearts.

And where would they go? The sprawling slums crawling with vermin and flies are not reserved for struggling blacks; 30,000 whites live in these desperate places without water, electricity or hope.

Australia discussed giving them amnesty until the liberals declared the idea racist. The rest of the world rejects these murders as a far-right conspiracy or myth.

Without a means to leave, or a place to go, what would you have them do? Many are preparing for a final fight and talk about the 'last stand' with determination.

Most sleep with a loaded weapon under their pillow, stealing themselves for death if it should come. They won’t die without a fight.

It is the reason religion is so strong here, why crosses can be still seen on buildings and hilltops, because when there is nothing left that makes sense, and apparently no power willing to defend white South Africans, God remains… God and the land.

I sat with a victim of a farm attack, Bernard, on his front porch looking out over the land he refuses to leave. He says: 'I will die in my boots from the love of my land. I put my trust in God.'

You know, it is not defeat that makes them talk this way, but sheer resilience. They will be resilient to the end. Their only regret is the speed with which it now comes." - Frontpage Magazine




Watch Stunning Testimonies Of Farmers . . .

. . . who witnessed the killing and tortures of their loved ones.

"Plaasmoorde, The Killing Fields is a world-first — a documentary that goes well beyond polite interviews in safe places and deep into uncomfortable places, where the heart of the truth lives. Included in this groundbreaking work are interviews with active farm attackers and serving police officers who confirm corrupt police are complicit in the mass-slaughter of South Africa’s whites." - Frontpage

Video Source: Frontpage


Above article by Katie Hopkins, July 9, 2020, FrontPage Magazine








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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti


When you see this there are progressive socialists at work. - Webmaster

Graphic Source: Pinterest



Freedom is Knowledge


Black newspaper burned down on November 10, 1898. The Democrat Party's machine showed its true colors in the murders of blacks in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and then NEVER LOOKED BACK. - Webmaster