Progressive Democrats stood hand-in-hand with President Obama from January 2009 To January 2017, claiming, (while a full-court media marched in goose step behind them), that:
1.) the murders at Fort Hood by an Islamist would be classified as "workplace violence" and never terrorism.
2.) ISIS was only like a JV Team and would take a decade to defeat.
3.) global warming was more dangerous than terrorism.
4.) there was nothing to see in Benghazi, "move along please, terrorism had been defeated," Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton told all the networks.
5.) American manufacturing jobs would NEVER come back.
6.) illegal aliens were not aliens, only undocumented workers that should have drivers licenses, full health insurance and be allowed to vote in elections.
7.) a 1% GDP growth was the new norm.
8.) a violent antifa group was good to have around against what was defined by the media as white nationalists and racists.
9.) all white men should be put on a no-fly list (CNN.)
10.) infanticide was just another word for a woman's right to choose.
11.) college students should never be told America was an exceptional nation (former Obama Czar Janet Napolitano, President of the University of California.)
12.) having pride in your country was considered to be old romantic nationalism, dangerous to the progress of "natural" multiculturalism around the world.
. . . while the "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" would continue after Hillary's election in 2016.