Watch the new video below of MANY incidents throughout Europe that involve migrants getting their "rights" by multicultural leaders to live as they had lived back in their Muslim countries. It will educated you on how fast you can lose your freedoms when political correctness is allowed to run around unchallenged, folks.
These events could have been in the U.S. if Hillary had been elected, continuing Obama's apology tour for twelve years instead of eight. Obama was born into a family with a Muslim father and to that end was directed to study the Koran for three years while a young teenager in Indonesia.
He was so well indoctrinated into the faith that in his early 50's when running for U.S. president, Obama had sung the Islamic Call To Prayer "perfectly" in front of a New York Times editor, who must have almost wet his panties in glee at this multiculturalist running to lead America in the same direction as Europe over migration. It's what you'd expect from this dangerous newspaper, the leader of the elite media in America.
Within days of knowing he would win the election, Obama couldn't hold back and proclaimed, "In just five more days we will fundamentally transform the United States of America." All the nutty people dancing around just nodded, not thinking what those two words merged together meant, "fundamentally transformed," meaning to NEVER AGAIN look like it had been.
To prove Obama's true faith, never forget it was Obama who REFUSED to attend the European protests in Paris over the French magazine editors being stabbed and shot to death by Islamists. And then ask why American's mainstream media BURIED that decision by Obama, the same exact media that attacks Trump today.
At the same time you will want to ask why Obama decided to stay home while all the rest of the European leaders representing Western culture were in attendance, including Israel, the event to be seen by cameras transmitting the images world-wide including into the heart of the Islamic world.
Watch! Unedited Pictures Don't Lie. And It's Okay To Be Very Concerned. You Should Be.