"On May 18th, 2018 at approximately 7:45am, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis entered a classroom in Texas’s Santa Fe High School armed with his father’s legally owned shotgun and .38 revolver. Wearing a 'Born to Kill' T-shirt, Pagourtzis yelled 'Surprise!' before opening fire at his classmates, killing 10 people and wounding 10 other survivors.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott: 'We also know information already that the shooter has information contained in his journal and cell phone that he said that not only did he want to commit the shooting, but he wanted to commit suicide after the shooting. As you probably know, he gave himself up and admitted at the time that he didn’t have the courage to commit the suicide that he wanted to take his own life earlier.'
Two additional suspects, including one who showed 'suspicious reactions,' were detained and questioned by police after the shooting. Explosive devices described as 'pressure cookers' and 'pipe bombs' were also found at the school building and at another off-campus location." - StefanMolyneux
Examples of Hate From Progressive Socialists That Fill The New Democrat Party To Its Brim.
Americans Don't Need To Endure This Pelosi Nonsense Called . . . Wait For It . . . "United We Dream?!"
What? Really, dream of what, "F" our nation?!
"The United States Congress has sidelined legislation to give amnesty to as many as 3.6 illegal aliens after the courts put President Donald Trump’s end to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on hold, but the so-called 'Dreamers' are busy putting their 'here to stay' tagline into action." - Breitbart
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