"The World Without US is a documentary film created by Mitch Anderson and Jason J. Tomaric. Released in 2008, [before the election of Obama], the documentary explores what might happen if the United States were to leave the international arena, rescind its global reach and become an isolationist nation for the first time since the early 20th century.
Anderson and Tomaric began this [1 hour, twenty minute] documentary in order to answer what would happen if the United States removed itself from foreign affairs by embarking on a quest to several regions of the world.
In the regions, the filmmakers interview experts and ordinary world citizens to understand not only how the United States is viewed but also how the United States has affected the world outside of its borders.
The film was officially selected for the GI Film Festival in Washington, DC, in May 2008. The documentary covers a wide span of foreign affairs, not just the issues currently occurring in the Middle East and Asia." - Source: Wikipedia
We were warned in the 1990's of the consequences of uncontrolled immigration around the globe. But what would happen later if America was suddenly sterilized as a world power through the election of a dangerous progressive president? That unfortunately became a reality in 2008, the date of this film, resulting in the upheaval we now see around a world that is without America.