Date: February 18, 2015

You Can No Longer Say You Don't Know Him

From: Freedom is Knowledge




What If America's Koran-Trained President Had Attended The January 2015 Paris Rally?


Photo of Paris unity march of January 2015 over murders by Muslim terrorists of French newspaper journalists that published cartoons of Muslim religious figures, 12 of them shot and murdered in front of their employees. All the major European leaders, along with Israeli Prime Minister, were in attendance at the protest march with President Obama refusing to acknowledge the event by not attending.  - Webmaster

Original Obama Photo Source - Unknown


- A Trojan Horse In The White House -







By: Michael Connelly, February 13, 2015


The Constitution of the United States provides a specific definition of treason against our nation. Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution states:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

This has been legally interpreted as meaning that any action that seeks to strengthen our country’s enemies or weaken our ability to defend ourselves against our enemies can be classified as treason. This can be direct support for the enemy or even an attempt to provide support.

There is no question that the enemy that we face and many other counties face is Islamic Jihad. It has manifested itself as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and other groups that promote the radical Islamic agenda of destroying or subjugating every country in the world to the Muslim religion. It is a religion that condones placing women in slavery, outlawing basic human freedoms, and killing its opponents in barbaric ways.

The following is a factual listing of the actions of the person who is masquerading as the President of the United States. You can decide for yourself if any or all of these fit the definition of treason by providing aid and comfort to the enemy.


1. Since taking office in 2009, Obama has had numerous known terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay, some without the prior notice to the members of Congress required by law. This includes the release of five top Taliban leaders in exchange for an Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl. At least one of these Taliban leaders is back in action with the Taliban and many of the other released terrorists have rejoined the Islamic Jihad against America.

2. Has openly supported the Muslim Brotherhood since he took office. He has supported it in the Middle East and appointed active members of the brotherhood to his administration including to sensitive positions in the Department of Homeland Security. The Muslim Brotherhood has a manifesto that openly calls for the imposition of radical Sharia law on the entire world and the destruction of all other forms of government and law.

3. Obama withdrew American troops from Iraq without leaving any forces behind to help secure the country, as was requested by the Iraqi government. This created a vacuum that has been filled by ISIS and affiliates of Al Qaeda.

4. Obama imposed rules of engagement on American troops in Afghanistan that limited their ability to be effective both offensively and defensively and led to the unnecessary deaths of American soldiers.

5. He refused to call the massacre of American soldiers at Ft Hood by Major Nidal Hasan, a committed Islamic fanatic, a terrorist attack, but labeled it as an act of workplace violence.

6. Obama released the identity of Seal Team 6 and that they had killed Bin Laden. Many people believe that this led to the deaths of many team members in Afghanistan.

7. Obama deliberately lied about Al Qaeda being decimated when he was aware it was getting stronger.

8. He covered up for weeks the fact that the slaughter of Americans in Benghazi, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, was a terrorist attack despite the fact that the White House knew from the beginning that it was. He then refused to allow any rescue operations to be launched.

9. Has unilaterally eased sanctions on Iran after cutting a temporary deal that is favorable only to Iran. He has continued to allow Iran to kick a final deal down the road and they can continue to enrich uranium during these delays. That will allow them to build an operable nuclear bomb within a few months. Iran is also being allowed to acquire and test missiles that can be used against Israel, targets in Europe, and even U.S. targets.

10. He has seriously damaged our relationship with our allies and by allowing the release of sensitive intelligence information has seriously damaged our ability to get intelligence about possible attacks on Americans around the world.

11. Obama has opened our southern border so that criminals and terrorists have easy access to our country.

12. Obama also refused to acknowledge the threat of ISIS for over a year, even after being briefed repeatedly on the rise of ISIS.

13. Once he was forced into taking action against ISIS, it has been weak and mostly ineffective, with Obama micro managing our airstrikes so that many of the targets are empty buildings and vehicles.

14. Now he has made a speech asking the Congress to give him authority to fight ISIS, but has broadcast his intentions to the enemy that the actions will be very limited and not an all-out effort against the Islamic terrorists. Of course, he also still refuses to acknowledge that Al Qaeda and ISIS are in fact forces of Islamic Jihad.

15. He has minimized the brutal actions of ISIS by equating the Christian Crusades of a thousand years ago to what ISIS is doing now to innocent Christian men, women, and children as well as other Muslims who resist their radical views.

16. He held a secret meeting in the White House with Muslim leaders including some with direct contacts with terrorist organizations.

17. In my opinion, this is much more than political correctness run amok. The actions described above are those that clearly provide aid and comfort to the enemies of not just the United States, but to the entire free world.

Let me know what you think.


By: Michael Connelly, February 13, 2015

To leave a comment, please go now to this article's Web page. - Webmaster

(Note: Underlines are from Freedom Is Knowledge for rapid clarity.)





Sample Comment Sent To Michael Connelly Article


"Michael, I think you are correctly focused on all of the treasonous things that President Obama is doing, and has been doing all along. He is daring people to stop him because he, after all, is the keeper of the keys.

I know perfectly well what he is doing to this country. I just don't see any viable efforts to stop him. We can talk until we are blue in the face and it will not make one bit of difference until he, Obama, is effectively charged with treason and held accountable by our Rule of Law. Who exactly is leading the charge? Where is Congress? You are a Constitutional lawyer -- where are you?

We have three equal branches of government and Obama now effectively controls all of them. Yes, even this so-called Republican Congress.

I pay attention to the likes of the Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore for challenging the Constitutionality of Obama's actions and refusing to be cow-towed. He is a model for others and is pressing the States to take back their sovereignty. He carefully explained the Constitutional issues to the likes of Chris Wallace yesterday, who woefully missed the point. Wallace thinks that if enough State judges rule in unison then (gasp) they must be acting Constitutionally.

I also pay attention to James L. Buckley's new book, SAVING CONGRESS FROM ITSELF -- he offers a wonderfully simple policy solution that Congress could act upon tomorrow, if only they will. He lays it all out for us.

And I pay attention to Mark Levin's brilliant roadmap that outlines the very real possibility of a Constitution Convention.

That said, the legal community in this country appears to me to be as impotent as everyone else. NO ONE IS RESPONDING. THERE IS NO CALL TO ACTION. Meanwhile, our Republic is being dismantled brick by brick and we all have front-row seats to this carnage.

Maybe the legal community could start by charging the Supreme Court with Constitutional gerrymandering. This Court is an absolute travesty.

Above all else, the Supreme Court should constantly be reiterating (and ruling on) the FINITE role of the Federal Government in contrast to the limitless roles of the Sovereign States and the People. If not them, who?! The Supreme Court has clearly lost its way."

Dr. Ellen K. Rudolph
Tired of all the Talk


If you are "tired of the talk," leave a comment to Michael's article. - Webmaster


It is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit
. - Barack H. Obama, 2009 Cairo Speech in defense of Sharia Law being imposed in Western countries where Muslims live.





Where is the supreme court that gave Obama his oath of office? And why preside over an oath if you're not going to enforce it? - Webmaster

Guess who protects the people from a president that lies when giving his oath of office? - Graphic SuckersOnParade.
Graphic Source: SuckersOnParade




Obama's hand placement during the playing of the Naitonal Anthem at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraiser in Iowa has been named by some in the military, "The Obama Crotch Salure."

Obama signals progressives in 2007:
Their messiah had arrived.
Watch actual event during the playing of the National Anthem

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Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.

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