Nurses: We Were Told To Call Authorities For Ebola Protocol
"A statement from National Nurses United on the treatment of Dallas Ebola patient said that 'nurses were asked to call the Infectious Disease Department' to learn the policies on how to treat Duncan. The statement, which was played in its entirety on CNN on Wednesday morning, also reports that Ebola training at the hospital was 'optional,' 'nurses have been left to train each other,' and that nurses who interacted with Duncan simply continued treating other patients.
According to the statement, 'there was no advanced preparedness on what to do with the patient. There was no protocol, there was no system. The nurses were asked to call the Infectious Disease Department. The Infectious Disease Department did not have clear policies to provide either.' . . . Breitbart
- "Panic Hits TV News Divisions: Coworkers 'Wave And Keep On Going.'" . . . HollywoodReporter
- Surprise, Surprise: Obama's CDC Says It Missed Opportunities To Contain Ebola . . . YahooNews
- "The Centers For Everything But Disease Control." . . . CNSNews
- Vomit Bag Time: Streisand On HuffPost: GOP Budget Cuts Stopped Ebola Vaccine . . . NewsBusters
- As Obama Tackles Ebola, What About Enterovirus D68? . . . CanadaFreePress
- Obama's Political Correct CDC Denies Enterovirus Link To New Positioning In America Of Illegal-Alien Kids . . . WND
"Did you really expect Glenn to use something other than chocolate and spaghetti to show the dangers of Ebola?" - GlennBeck |
Russia Against The Sex Pervert Nation
"The state-run Tass news agency said Russian diplomats had visited the boy, and found that the 17-year-old was ‘seduced’ by ‘a pair of old homosexuals at church, former military men who had already adopted two American boys, and they offered to become his sponsor and even pay for his studies at Harvard University’. It was at this point that the boy handed himself over to immigration authorities, seeking asylum. The student had been due to return to Russia in the Spring of this year, but the country’s authorities only made the case public this week.
Russia’s children’s commissioner Pavel Astakhov said: ‘A child, who has a mother in Russia, has illegally been placed under guardianship, and the boy has been handed over to a U.S. gay couple. ‘The child hails from a decent family and is healthy so it’s unclear what arguments those in the United States have been guided by.’" - PoliticalOutcast
"Houston’s city attorney issued the subpoenas in a response to a lawsuit filed related to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (H.E.R.O.), the city’s new non-discrimination ordinance, also known as the 'Bathroom Bill.'” . . . ClashDaily |
- Houston Officials Demanding Churches Turn Over Sermons . . . PoliticalOutcast
- Slimy Hermaphroditic Snail To Honor Same-Sex Marriage . . . TruthRevolt
- Black Leaders Denounce Supreme Court’s Refusal To Hear Marriage Protection Cases – Vow To Fight On . . . ThomasMore
- Are Same-Sex 'Marriage' States Ridding Themselves Of Christians? . . . OneNewsNow
Arrogant New York City ******** At SNL Mock Christian Children's Charity . . . TruthRevolt (See Video On Right)
- California Churches Forced To Offer Abortion Insurance Coverage . . . CharismanNews
- North Carolina Magistrates Told To Perform Gay Marriages Or Face Disciplinary Action, After Some Refused . . . GreenfieldReporter
- Eric Holder Gives DOJ Lawyers ‘Exceptional Service Award’ For Gay Marriage . . . MinutemenNews
- School Reverses Ban On Christian Club [ONLY] After Public Outcry . . . Zionica
Maryland Sheriff Under Fire For Defending The Constitution!
"A Maryland sheriff is in hot water for vocally stating his support for the Constitution and his promise to follow through on the vow he made when he became sheriff! I know, it’s not often that people get mad when someone actually does what they say they will do… but that is exactly what is happening.
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence wants the teaching certificate of Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis to be revoked. What exactly did the sheriff say to make the group so upset? 'As long as I'm the sheriff in this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of their right to bear arms. I can tell you this, if they attempt to do that, it would be an all-out civil war, no question about it.'" . . . EagleRising
- "Leaked DHS Document: 167,000 Convicted Criminal Aliens At Large In U.S." . . . Breitbart
- NBC, ABC, And CBS Priorities: Surprise, Surprise, 57 Times More Coverage Of NFL Scandals Than Obama Scandals . . . NewsBusters
- Shielded From Justice: The High Cost Of Living In A Police State . . . RutherfordInstitute
- Radical NPR All But Bans the Term 'Redskins' From Its Broadcasts; Ombudsman Hails 'Morality' of Decision - NewsBusters
- Watchdog Attacks Gun-Grabbing Choke Point - WND
- Hillary Clinton Says She Is A Big Supporter Of 'Open Internet." (I guess that’s why she locked up a man over a YouTube video [on Muslim rules against Coptic Christians, aka Benghazi?]") . . . Frontpage
Feminists Get Obama To Sue Pennsylvania
"The Obama administration has filed suit against the Pennsylvania State Police, after it came to light that the State Police have a slightly lower pass rate for women on their physical fitness test. They found that 94% of men passed the test and only 71% of women passed. The feminists obviously demanded this lawsuit. According to their ideology, if women can’t do as well as men on a fitness test for a job, it must be discrimination and the test must be discarded for everyone.
It seems that feminists want Pennsylvania to ignore the fact that the job of a state trooper includes difficult and dangerous physical challenges that can require real physical strength and endurance beyond the capabilities of many women. Last year, a Pennsylvania state trooper helped catch a suspect escaping in a tractor trailer by hanging onto the truck’s grab bar with one hand while it continued to drive down the highway. The suspect then crashed the truck and had to be pursued on foot as he fled into the woods, and it’s obvious that a man’s physical skills were very useful." . . . EagleForum
Chemical ISIS? New Photos Tell Disturbing Story
"New evidence reveals that ISIS may be using brutal chemical weapons against their opponents. That report comes as some say the president's tactics can't possibly defeat the powerful Islamist terror group." . . . CBN |
"The White House continues to take criticism for what some see as a faulty battle plan against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, which appears to be using chemical weapons against its enemies. Photos obtained by the Middle East Review of International Affairs show the bodies of Syrian Kurds who appear to have been gassed by ISIS in the Kobani region earlier this year.
Israeli Middle East analyst Jonathan Spyer, who edited the report, says the photos indicate mustard gas or some other blistering agent was used. The attack occurred after ISIS took control of a region in which Saddam Hussein was believed to have stored chemical agents. Iraq wasn't supposed to have chemical weapons. That's what the media told Americans over and over." . . . CBN
Bowe Bergdahl 'Deserter' Investigation Is Complete - But Obama Administration Says Verdict Will Not Be Determined Until AFTER November's Elections
"The [Workplace Violence] Army completed its investigation last week into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's disappearance from a base in Afghanistan five years ago, but the Pentagon said Tuesday that it doesn't know when the report will be released. 'The investigating officer has done his work, but now that work is moving through the Army system, and at each stop ... there will ... be questions, requirements for clarification,' Army Colonel Steve Warren told reporters.
'So it's working its way through the system as would any other investigation.' The results of the Army's probe into whether Bergdahl deserted his post will most certainly be withheld from the public until after November's elections, if it discloses its findings at all." . . . DailyMail
Collusion From Mexico Aids Obama’s Immigration Reform Scheme
"Ever expanding the power of the Executive branch, Obama and his legal team and advisors have routinely found loopholes and partisan politics to implement what the Legislative branch would not allow. When his party controlled both houses of Congress, he did nothing about immigration, rather, they forced Obama Care down our throats.
President Obama meets with President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto (November 27, 2012) So why is immigration policy so important now when he could have much more easily done so in 2009 and 2010? Because it wasn’t a priority then, he was riding on a high still with his base so immigration reform could come later.
He and his team had to find a way around Congress so they devised a plan to eventually force immigration reform in his terms on us all through manipulation of foreign policy, manipulation of our emotions, and trusting that caring souls would force his opponents to acquiesce. All is based on ‘Prosecutorial Discretion‘ they explain is within the law." . . . StandUpAmerica
- DHS Official Caught Selling U.S. Citizenship To Illegals [more votes for Democrat Party.] - MinuteMenNews
Lockheed Announces Major Breakthrough In Nuclear Fusion
"Lockheed Martin said in a statement released on Wednesday this week that its secretive Skunk Works division — the unit responsible for the U-2 spy plane and F-117 stealth jet — has already applied for several patents related to the high-tech reactor it has in the works, and expects it to be deployed during the next decade if interested industry and government partners sign on to help starting soon.
'Our compact fusion concept combines several alternative magnetic confinement approaches, taking the best parts of each, and offers a 90 percent size reduction over previous concepts,' Tom McGuire, the compact fusion lead for the Skunk Works’ Revolutionary Technology Programs, said in a statement. 'The smaller size will allow us to design, build and test the CFR in less than a year.'” . . . RTNews
While Obama's Department Of Defense Declares War On . . . Wait For It . . . The Weather!
"Yesterday, speaking at an international confab of defense ministers in Peru, U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel unveiled his department’s Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap. A letter from Hagel asserts at the beginning of the Roadmap that:
While scientists are converging toward consensus on future climate projections, uncertainty remains. But this cannot be an excuse for delaying action. Every day, our military deals with global uncertainty. Our planners know that, as military strategist Carl von Clausewitz wrote, 'all action must, to a certain extent, be planned in a mere twilight.'
Clausewitz, indeed. Side note: This quotation from the great 19th century German theorist of warfare appears to come from the translation of Colonel J.J. Graham, who, sadly, passed away in 1883, his edition having since been superseded by numerous quality 20th century translations." . . . NowTheEndBegins
- What's More Important To The Obama Administration? Global Warming Or World Terrorism? . . . BernardGoldberg
Study Contradicts CO2 Plant Absorption . . . Previous Research Underestimate
"The study found that carbon dioxide levels dropped along mesophyll diffusion pathways in plants. Previous climate change models did not account for the dissipation of carbon dioxide that occurred inside of plants. The authors of this new study estimated based on their findings that from 1901 to 2010, plants absorbed 16 percent more carbon dioxide than was originally thought.
'The atmospheric CO2 concentration only started to accelerate rapidly after 1950. So the 17% bias was achieved during a period of about 50 years. If we are going to predict future CO2 concentration increases for hundreds of years, how big would that bias be?' said Dr. Lianhong Gu, one of the lead authors of the paper." . . . TechTimes