Source: Glenn McCoy |
(Note: Obama's shirt reads, "Community Organizer." - Webmaster) |
Evil! Democrats Hope Obama Will Use Amnesty To Cause A Constitutional Crises, Then Use The Crises Of Impeachment To Suck In Campaign Money And Bring Out Progressive Voters In November 2014 To Guarantee Obama's Radical Policies Stay In Place
While Boehner has openly reported he will not seek any impeachment, a Democrat fundraiser reads,
"Click here to automatically sign our letter demanding Boehner take impeachment off the table. John Boehner has repeatedly refused to close the door on impeaching President Obama. And now, House Republicans are lining up around the corner to do just that. Help us reach 100,000 strong demanding Boehner take impeachment off the table — NOW." . . . WeaselZipper
- Rape, Death, And Police Pursuits Continue As Illegal Immigrants Flood Texas County . . . Breitbart
- Leaked CBP Report Shows Entire World Exploiting Open U.S. Border . . . Breitbart
- Democrat Gutierrez Blasts GOP: As If “They Despise & Hate All Our Children” . . . GatewayPundit
- New York Times' Ross Douthat: Obama's Immigration 'Caesarism' Crossing The Rubicon To Impeachment . . . Breitbart
- The DREAMer And The Nightmare: Illegal Alien Teen Charged In Brutal Murder Of USC Engineering Student From China - MichelleMalkin
- Leaked Confidential Government Report Shows America Is Putting Itself At Risk Of Terrorist Attack . . . WesternJournalism
- Obama To Force Out 550 Army Majors – After Forcing Out 1,100 Army Captains In July . . . GatewayPundit
- Sizing Up Obama . . . SaveAmericaFoundation
- Obama's Half-Brother Calls Obama Aloof, Distant . . . WND
- Obama's Water Boy: GOP Has Become Almost A Completely White Party . . . PJMedia
How Elizabeth Warren And Other Democrats Want Obama To Bypass Congress To Mandate ‘Economic Patriotism’
"At 39.1 percent, the United States has the highest tax rate on business of any other developed country world. Most other developed countries have an average tax rate on businesses of 25 percent, according to Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative group. Each of America’s major trading partners – Canada, Mexico, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France – have lower corporate tax rates, according to ATR. Earnest also said Obama wants to close 'unfair loopholes.'
'We’ve also noted that you could use some of that revenue that only benefits the wealthy and well-connected businesses in this country and invest it in the kinds of projects that benefit everybody, particularly modernizing our infrastructure,' he said. 'That’s why the president is calling on Congress to act on corporate tax reform.' Another reporter followed up by asking why it’s fair to accuse the companies of being unpatriotic when they are taking legal deductions." . . . TheBlaze
- Obamanomics In Action: 11.4 Million Americans Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office . . . GatewayPundit
- Nutty Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Male Justices Can’t Understand Hobby Lobby Case Because Genitals . . . HotAir (Give thanks to John McCain for helping to put her on the Supreme Court - Webmaster)
- Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients . . . DailyCaller
Washington Post Editorial Board Accuses Obama Of Tearing Up The Constitution
“The president should think twice,” the board wrote. “Some of the same Democrats and pro-immigrant advocates urging him to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation would be outraged if a Republican president took a similarly selective approach to enforcing the laws – say, those that guarantee voting rights or prohibit employment discrimination.” . . . WesternJournalism
‘The World's Descending Into Chaos’ Under Obama
"On Fox Business Wednesday, former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton declared that under the president’s ineffective leadership, “the world’s descending into chaos” and if America continues to pull back internationally, 'you're going to have anarchy increasing.'
Speaking with host Stuart Varney, Bolton first discussed Vladimir Putin’s hostile strategy in Ukraine and Europe, including increasing the number of Russian troops at the border and conducting cyber-warfare against several European countries—'aggressive' tactics to which Bolton saw no end in sight.
Varney then transitioned to the recent WSJ/NBC poll that presents damning numbers about the American people’s opinion of President Obama’s leadership—particularly in foreign policy, with a dismal 36% approval." . . . TruthRevolt
- How Elites In America's Progressive Media Craft Victory For Hamas - Frontpage
- This Ultra-Violent Group Is Now The Most Powerful Extremist Organization In History . . . WesternJournalism
- Hamas TV Ad Encourages Palestinian Suicide Bombers To Dress Like Orthodox Jews . . . GatewayPundit
- Do Democrats Regret Stripping (And Not Replacing) Anti-Hamas Language From Their 2012 Platform? . . . YidWithLid
- Auschwitz Guards Arrest Rabbi For Singing Jewish Songs . . . TruthRevolt
- You Won’t Believe What The U.N. Just Demanded Israel Give To Hamas . . . WesternJournalism
- ISIS Expands Territory From Syria-Iraq Into Lebanon . . . GatewayPundit
- ISIS Terrorists Replace Church Crucifix With Islamic Flag In Sinjar, Iraq . . . GatewayPundit
- Comedian Russell Brand Justifying Hamas Terrorism . . . WND
The Burger King And Jiffy Lube Brands Don’t Employ The Franchisee’s Workers. Local Small Businesses Do. [Obama] Unions Would Rather The Brand Do The Hiring So They Can Pressure It Into Staying Silent And Forgoing A Secret Ballot.
"So an Obama appointee at the NLRB — a former union official — just ruled that the brands “co-employ” workers with local small businesses. McDonald’s the brand now shares responsibility for its franchisees’ employees — workers it had no part in hiring.
This happened as part of a larger SEIU strategy to attack the franchise business model. The left-wing In These Times interviewed former SEIU activists and outlined this strategy last year:
SEIU also has a comprehensive national plan in the works, centered on the two public demands of $15-an-hour pay and the right to unionize free of intimidation. . . . The first step is to challenge the legal distinction between a corporation and its individual franchises." . . . Heritage
- Unions Lose And The Public Wins Big In Wisconsin . . . DailySignal
- Coal Miners Union In Full Revolt After Supporting Obama In 2008 . . . DailyCaller
Stunning Report! U.S. History Takes Drastic Left Turn This Fall
"Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, calls the new AP U.S. history framework 'a briefing document on progressive and leftist views of the American past,' one which 'weaves together a vaguely Marxist or at least materialist reading of the key events with the whole litany of identity group grievances.'
Conservative author Stanley Kurtz asserts the College Board is 'pushing U.S. history as far to the left as it can get away with at the high-school level.'
The new 124-page history curriculum is a dramatic departure from the five-page outline previously supplied by the College Board to guide AP U.S. history instructors. A much more detailed 'history from below,' it focuses on how native Indians and Africans suffered at the hands of Europeans in the New World." . . . WND
- Texas Principal Fired Over Wanting English Spoken In Classrooms Speaks Out . . . Inquisitr
- Say Hello To A New Secret Network Of Lib Journos . . . DailyCaller
College Football Coach: "We Have Sold Out." . . . TruthRevolt
- Democrat On U.S. Civil Rights Commission Wants Speech Codes For ‘Adolescent’ 21-Year-Olds . . . DailyCaller
- Put Down The Cupcake: New Ban Hits School Bake Sales . . . WallStreetJournal
- Hypocritical Dems Rail Against 'Redskins', Raise Money At Dinners Honoring 'Indian Killer' Andrew Jackson . . . NewsBusters
- NFL Makes Stunning Announcement That Players Will Receive RFID Microchips For 2014 Season . . . NowTheEndBegins
We’re All Criminals And Outlaws In The Eyes Of The American Police State
"Why are we seeing such an uptick in Americans being arrested for such absurd 'violations' as letting their kids play at a park unsupervised, collecting rainwater and snow runoff on their own property, growing vegetables in their yard, and holding Bible studies in their living room? Mind you, we’re not talking tickets or fines or even warnings being issued to these so-called 'lawbreakers.' We’re talking felony charges, handcuffs, police cars, mug shots, pat downs, jail cells and criminal records.
Consider what happened to Nicole Gainey, the Florida mom who was arrested and charged with child neglect for allowing her 7-year-old son to visit a neighborhood playground located a half mile from their house. For the so-called 'crime' of allowing her son to play at the park unsupervised, Gainey was interrogated, arrested and handcuffed in front of her son, and transported to the local jail where she was physically searched, fingerprinted, photographed and held for seven hours and then forced to pay almost $4000 in bond in order to return to her family." . . . RutherfordInstitute
- 911 Operator Orders 80-Year-Old Grandmother To 'Put The Gun Down' During Terrifying Home Invasion . . . DailyMail
- A Pair of Grandmas, Both Robbery Victims, Decided Enough Was Enough. Now They Carry Concealed Handguns — And They’re Not Alone . . . TheBlaze
- Teacher Arrested On Gun Charge During Class Trip . . . RochesterHomepage
- Four Suspects Arrested In The New Jersey Murders Of Straight-A Prep School Graduate . . . DailyMail
- Store Owner Says Bank Accounts Closed Because He Sells Guns . . . DailyCaller
It's About The Money, Not The Climate
"These days, when some world leader or politician speaks of the climate—the weather is what is happening right now wherever you are—they are not talking about sunshine or rain. They are talking about a devilishly obscene way of raising money by claiming that it is humans that are threatening the climate with everything they do, from turning on the lights to driving anywhere.
That’s why 'global warming' was invented in the late 1980s as an immense threat to the Earth and to mankind. Never mind that Earth has routinely passed through warmer and cooler cycles for billions of years; much of which occurred before mankind emerged. And never mind that the Earth has been a distinct cooling cycle for the past seventeen years and likely to stay in it for a while. If the history of ice ages is any guide, we could literally be on the cusp of a new one." . . . FactNotFantasy
- The News Media Now Reports All Weather As "Extreme" . . . FactNotFantasy
- Leaked Memo Gives Away Dems’ ‘Extreme Weather’ Talking Points . . . DailyCaller
- Today's Climate Embarrassment . . . Powerline
- Ethanol Is Proof Our Government Hates Us . . . PoliticalOutcast