Yet Another American Icon Falls
We Have Been Warning That Fascism Was Not Only Coming To America, But Had Already Arrived In America
Now it's an NFL Football Team that bends over to fascism in the name of political correctness, bowing down to Obama's social engineering of this country since his regime was elected in 2008.
In 2009 Obama would appoint radical Czars to surround his office, the national media already infested with 1960's radicals in editorial rooms across the nation who would literally refuse to report America's new president was a follower of Saul Alinsky and Alinsky's Chicago mob tactics.
One of those Czars, Van Jones, later went after Glenn Beck's advertisers on FOX because Beck had vetted to his viewers that Jones was a Communist brought in by Valerie Jarrett to be Obama's Green Advisor. It was Jones's Color Of Change Marxist organization that would later go after Beck's advertisers on FOX News in a way Saul Alinsky would have been proud. They threatened to boycott products if companies used their Constitutional freedom of choice to continue to support Beck's show with ads.
It was already known Shepard was murdered because he didn't have the drugs on him his meth-addicted "friend" wanted that night. All Obama wanted was to sign a bill that would extend his radical reach to neutralize what had been a faith-based nation, taking steps toward his promise in the 2008 campaign to fundamentally transform the United States of America.
With Obama's Cairo speech of 2009, called an apology tour by many, Obama would also ensure Muslims would get a toe in the door to later add Sharia Law over the country's well-established Constitution that acknowledged freedom was from the hand of God and not from the mind of man. In his speech Obama was saying to Muslims around the world that he would use the office of president of the United States to ensure Muslims could worship their religion as they saw fit in the Western world.
Listen for yourself in Obama's own words!
All this has resulted in the talked-about 1984 society finally realized in 2014, as a professional coach is forced to go through sensitivity training to be sure he fits in with the collective mind-set of progressive thought, a warning of this radical age coming from the Book Of Revelation.
This dangerous progressive thought is led today by graduates of elite educational centers in America turned Marxist, such as Columbia and Harvard University that train its graduates to "nudge" individuals to obey. Even Columbia University a decade ago had labeled individual self-achievement as offensive to others, its graduates taught instead to worship the collective. They would then become the new hires in classrooms across the nation, as older teachers retired and got out of the way.
It's why Freedom Is Knowledge put up a memorial page in 2000 to remember what no one wanted to talk about then, the killing of a 13-year old boy. We had waited for GLAAD to say, We don't subscribe to those who did this. But the distancing statement never came from the national gay advocating group, with virtually all the mainstream media in 1999 and in rank step also refusing to report on the 13 year-old's torture and murder.
The media threw dirt into the boy's face a second time while his body was still warm. Only FOX News cared enough to report on the trial of the adults who murdered the teenager, no other national media seeing any importance in attending, according to a police report.
Once the media discovered it could get away with controlling the news, a new generation of Americans not giving a damn, it would lead to today's arrogant national news service with its new mission statement of, "It ain't news until we say it is." It's why America is no longer the leader in the world for freedom and individual thought.
And what about the God Bless America phrase that radiates from a crotch-salute president's tongue today? Progressives understand it's Obama's way of keeping conservatives in check while he changes the country around them, and therefore they readily tolerate it. They know it has no meaning when Obama speaks it just as they knew over a decade ago there was no damage to their continued cause when Clinton carried around a Bible in his hand for the media's cameras to pick up again and again. Progressives fully get that socialism and the changes it creates must first come in drips before the ceiling can crash down on their victim.
Obama's crotch-salute was an arrogant display named by some in the military. He did so, purposely, placing his hands over his crotch to diss our patriots and the country they supported. He showed his political hand, (pardon the pun), at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraising event during the playing of the National Anthem. It was done so all far-left progressive Democrats would notice for the 2008 upcoming election that they had a leader they could count on to change the country they so despised.
If any other candidate at the event had done that, it would have been political suicide. But for Obama, mentored in his early life by Frank Marshall Davis and later admitted into a sympathetic Harvard through a letter of recommendation sent by a follower of the deceased Alinsky with troubling support from others, it's what America's socialists were looking for. Under Obama's leadership they could finally push their Marxist "social justice" onto the American people, hating the individual spirit while loving the faux promise of their collective.
And the mighty NFL now goes along for the ride?
Give me a break! Tons of complaints had been written warning in 2007 and 2008 about Obama's past, ignored, buried, or trashed by the progressive's national media. In 2009 Freedom Is Knowledge wrote one of them titled, "Some may call this a Fairy Tale. I only wish it were so."
Now you can better understand what happens when a country is run by a totally corrupted media. Plato had noted you would know yours was going down into history's trash heap when puppy dogs would stand up on their hind legs and demand their freedoms, too, that in effect no successful Democracy could ever survive.
Sound familiar with the policies of today's progressives, reflected in the oxymoron of Professor Peter Singer being a member of Princeton's Center for Human Values in New Jersey?
All that student debt . . . money for radicals! You couldn't make this up if you wanted to, as another American icon bites the dust. - Webmaster