Have you seen any mass protests by Muslims in the U.S. to the horrific murders of Christians overseas, such as in the above news stories or others from the past of cutting Christians to pieces or burning down their houses of worship? Get use to it, because you won't. And those Muslims that might want to protest may have good reason to keep those thoughts to themselves.
Think their fear is not real? Think again! Watch this video of what occurred right here on America's own soil in the summer of 2012 and you may well understand why Muslims who enjoy Democracy could fear for their lives to openly defend it.
Note: This fear of freedom of speech for non-radicalized Muslims can be easily understood, reading what the chief of police for Dubai said about the Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood, an organization Egypt has just named a terrorist organization.
U.S. citizens can't even depend on establishment Republicans in Congress, RINO McCain going after a Tea Party Congresswoman on the Senate floor that had concerns over CAIR / Muslim Brotherhood ease under the Obama administration to cleanse what these organizations saw as offensive material in the FBI's training materials. Watch McCain's attack.
McCain's history in protecting liberal progressives is well known with his working twenty years ago with Senate Republicans to approve far-left ACLU executive to the Supreme Court in 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, assisting progressives in their power hold over America today. |
The cooperative silence of too many American Muslims is an answer in itself of what has been embedded in the heart since childhood. In counter-reality to the social engineering pushed by America's progressive mainstream media, which wants American citizens to believe everything is okay, a 2012 poll showed the truth. It reported that 40% of moderate-American Muslims would rather live under Sharia Law, too many seeing our laws as obscene to their lifelong religious instruction.
In other words, under Sharia Law in America a Muslim beating his wife would be seen as proper and lawful. But a non-Muslim American citizen down the same street beating his wife would be seen instead as a criminal and jailed.
Remember there are three ways to destroy a country from within through the use of the progressive's fascist tool of political correctness.
1.) Dissolve the country's border. 2.) Change the country's language. 3.) Or erase the country's culture from memory of its younger citizens. Notice any of these happening in today's America? That is why I believe wake up America may be 'the joke' of the last three decades.
Too many Americans have already, through their education, been indoctrinated by newer progressive-controlled educational programs that are taught in American institutions such as the Teacher's College of Columbia University, where America's foundation of personal achievement by students is instead taught as offensive to others.
In fact, England is on the brink of at least one of these happening in the very near future, if not already sealed in stone - Breitbart
They have also been taught that the defense of America's Christian heritage is also obscene, calling Christians any hateful phobia they can think of. It is a progressive tool most recently used 80 years ago to extinguish six-million Jews from the earth.
War on ‘Free Exercise’ of Religion Continues To Grow - Eagle Forum
Obama's signal to progressives in 2007 that their messiah had arrived. |
What they do has an objective since man walked the earth, today more commonly know as fascism or the art of suppressing anti-progressive ideas by threatening one's civil rights, one's workplace, career, and / or families and belief system. It is not unlike what Barack Obama taught ACORN members in the late 1990's and why Democrats simply love him no matter how many mistakes he makes.
America's many patriots are a deterrent for radical Muslims to do in America what they already accomplish annually against Christians overseas, slowly and purposefully cleansing the world of the followers of Christ. If they can't do it through violence they will wait "and do it by the numbers" (their own words.)
Click here to see and read a report you probably don't even know about on what Muslims routinely do to Christians and their houses of worship overseas. It is not unlike what liberal progressives in America would like to do if they didn't fear the consequences, consequences which they try to diminish every year through advancing political correctness under a current and dangerous administration with its stranglehold on America's capitol. - Webmaster
MSNBC's Progressive Michael Eric Dyson – How Low Will This Pariah Network Go? - EagleRising
Source: NewsBusters |
Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?