But hey, Obama sings, dances, and drinks beer with his buddies. Plus he can raid the American treasury to pay for what he calls free birth control, free abortions, and whatever one needs to comfort vaginas for votes. Perfect for what today's younger Americans are looking for in leadership via their social progressive programming from Hollywood and the messaging of ABC, NBC, and CBS television networks.
Like the Russians said years ago, one day Communism will walk right into American homes and no one will know the difference. Don't believe it?
Visit Russia's RT News for America audiences, formerly Russia Today. Then visit the Huffington Post News from America for American audiences. See much difference in the messages? And here is Pravda today in English for Russian audiences.
Finally, watch this interesting exchange between JFK and Chet Brinkley of NBC 49 years ago, JFK having a clear understanding of leadership for the conservative country that existed in the early 1960's. Today JFK would not be comfortable in Obama's Marxist progressive DNC where conservative Democrats have been tossed to the wind, seen by today's party as out of touch with European liberal reality.
And Russia's perfect family? Actually not much difference from today's American political correctness between the sexes where a religious foundation has been replaced by pure secularism. It's perfect and made ready for an Obama world in 2013.