Remember your enemies don't have to be overseas!


"Remember your enemies don't have to be overseas. They can be as close as the managing editor of your local newspaper who channels your thoughts to fulfill the publisher's personal agenda, like a teacher who forms the thoughts of a 2nd. grade class.

Too many publishers and their managing editors support the socialist views of the ACLU and subscribe to concepts like Hate Crime Bills to force social agendas on the people through the use of force by their own local police. You saw this in action in the death of Terri Shiabo, as children were handcuffed and lead away.

And unbelievably, as many of us are discovering who are aware of this recent conspiracy, when facts are presented to these editors they can be ignored if they go against their socialist agenda. We live in a day when research and the truth can be tossed into the circular file as wrong thinking.

The Fourth Estate was made free by our founders so the print media could tell Americans the truth to protect the new Democracy. Unfortunately, the Fourth Estate is now also free to tell you a half-truth or to channel your thoughts.

Remember it was the Nazis, then the Russia Communists, who forced religion from the government and the people during the early days of Pope John Paul II when he lived as a young man in Poland.

Below is a perfect example of political correctness gone amuck with national news reporting:"

Reuters infamously refuses to describe the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as terrorists.


Media Bias Videos






"Freedom is Knowledge"